
Showing posts from November, 2015

Can't keep track of all the downtown projects? Here's a checklist

Ben van der Meer Staff Writer-  Sacramento Business Journal As we've reported, a flurry of downtown Sacramento building appears to be right around the corner. Here's a quick update on several high-profile projects in the works in downtown Sacramento: New Entertainment and Sports Center: Demolition  to begin by month’s end  at the Downtown Plaza site, construction to begin this fall Commercial development around ESC : Plans being finalized, could begin work next year Metropolitan high-rise tower : Last property piece in hands of developer  John Saca , construction start rumored in 2015 Sacramento Commons  residential redevelopment: Sacramento Planning Commission to review July 24 700 K mixed-use redevelopment : Lawsuit over project settled, could break ground by year’s end 800 K potential redevelopment : City could issue request for proposals for site by year’s end Sacramento intermodal transit station redevelopment : Second phase underway, final design...