
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Most popular for young professionals in Sacramento

Best Sacramento Area Neighborhoods for Young Professionals The greater Sacramento area has been growing steadily for decades. Fed up with skyrocketing prices in the Bay Area and other parts of California, many young professionals are drawn to the River City for its ample job opportunities in government, health care and education. Add lively nightlife, world-class restaurants and outdoor recreation and it’s no wonder so many 20- to 30-somethings call Sacramento home. The greater Sacramento area also has varied housing options. From hip downtown lofts to charming bungalows and new construction, there are choices to meet every taste and budget. But where exactly should young professionals live in Sacramento? The following neighborhoods in and around Sacramento are the most popular for young professionals. Midtown With its plethora of restaurants, bars, coffee shops, live music venues and indie boutiques,  midtown  is perhaps the most popular area for young pr...

在美国买房,House 好还是 Condo 好?

在美国买房,House 好还是 Condo 好?这要从几个方面进行分析,同时你还要问问自己想过什么样的生活,你的需求是什么。 投入和回报 House 拥有土地权,增值空间大,更加保值。但前期资金投入大。 Condo 前期投入小,Down Payment(预付定金)一般来说会少些,这给很多没什么积蓄的年轻人一个可负担得起的住房选择。 维护工作 你喜欢做木工吗?你喜欢做电工吗?你喜欢了解各种房子的知识,修修补补,打理花园,铲雪除草吗? 你愿意并且也比较空闲做这些事情吗? 其实大部分不是很喜欢修修补补的工作,不过如果你是个愿意并有时间动手的人,住在 House是个不错的选择,House 可以保持你忙碌,锻炼你的各种动手能力,给你建设家园更多的成就感。 住在 Condo 里,管理公司会处理大部分的维护工作,公共花园的打理,屋子里需要你动手的地方很少,主要也就是摆摆家具,挂挂画。你要付管理费,好在是大家一起出。住在 House 里你也可以雇佣别人帮你做这些事情。 维护成本 如果是在市区,大部分的 House 是老房子,所以你要准备随时会有突发的维护工作,修补工作,你要负担水电气、保险、热水炉租赁等等费用。不过还是那句话,如果你是一个动手能力强的人,这些东西难不倒你。你也会成为精明的业主来控制你的日常水电开支。 住在 Condo 里不用担心你大门以外的维护工作,管理处会从你缴纳的储备基金里支付维修费用。现在新的 Condo 都是中央空调,通常你只需要支付电费,或者再加上水费。不过要注意的是,如果大楼维护的不好,维修费用增加,你的管理费用也会增加,你不能自主的控制你的成本,这让人感觉不舒服。一些老的 Condo 可能面临着大额额外的支出去维修某一问题,你要千万注意。 空间、后院和阳台 House 的空间一般比 Condo 大很多,有地下室和车库,可以让你为所欲为。 Condo 空间较小,你要仔细规划,买多了东西就放不下。不是每个人都喜欢大的空间,大空间意味着更多的清洁工作。有的人喜欢卧室在二层或者三层,这样子家里人活动的时候可以互不干扰,但是有些人喜欢所有的房间都在一层,这样避免爬楼梯。还有,很多人希望有个后院可以让孩子玩耍、烧烤、朋友聚会。而住 Condo 的人喜欢能够看到远一点的风景。 附属设施 现在大部分 Con...

31 Incredible Campgrounds Within 2 Hours of Sacramento

31 Incredible Campgrounds Within 2 Hours of Sacramento We've said it before and we'll say it again - Sacramento's location is second to none. In about two hours, you can access both the bustling city of San Francisco and the scenic wonders of the Lake Tahoe region. This also means there are a variety of wonderful campgrounds within reach. Stock up on s'mores and hot dog supplies, pack the Suburban, and head to one of these amazing campgrounds in the area. Some enjoy beach views and a cool ocean breeze, while others are nestled in a canopy of pines with mountain vistas. Use our interactive map to better locate your favorite campground. Need more information? Click the title of each campground for more helpful details from  Outdoor Project , an online community comprised of outdoor enthusiasts who are dedicated to building the best outdoor adventure resource. JUNIPER CAMPGROUND LOCATION: EAST BAY, CA PRICE: $30 TENT/CAR SITES: 36​ Juniper Campground is ...