
Showing posts from 2019

California Homebuilders Gear Up for 2020 Solar Mandates

California Homebuilders Gear Up for 2020 Solar Mandates 加州房屋建筑商为2020年太阳能授权做准备 Educating buyers will be critical to success By MARK VOGEL T his is a big year for California homebuilders as they gear up for the 2020 mandates requiring all new single-family homes and multifamily housing to include solar. The mandates will apply to all new construction housing, up to three stories, that secure building permits after January 1, 2020. As the state presses forward with preparation for the mandates, there is a growing national focus on solar power  as a real solution to climate change. Once California produces quantifiable and meaningful outcomes, we expect other states to adopt similar policies. Specializing in new residential construction, we work with more than 300 homebuilders across the nation for both roofing and solar. We are extra busy helping our California clients with these mandates. One of the biggest challenges they face will be educating their buyers...

Why is my house not Selling?

Why Is My House Not Selling? 为什么 没有人 还不 买 我的房子?   Share     Once you’ve gone through all the time and effort it takes to get your house on the market, it can be frustrating when it takes longer than you expect to get that right offer and make the sale. There can be many reasons why your house isn’t selling, such as the state of your local real estate market (maybe there are simply a lot of homes for sale), the price you’re asking, or the location. But if you’re asking yourself, “Why won’t my house sell?” you’re not alone. It’s a common challenge, and there are a few steps you can take to increase your chances of a successful sale — and soon!  如果你问自己,“为什么我的房子不卖?”你并不孤单。这是一个共同的挑战,您可以采取一些步骤来增加成功销售的机会 - 很快! 1. Make improvements(美容修复) If you listed your home in a rush, perhaps it needs a bit more TLC to really showcase its best features. Consider spending a weekend and a little money doing improvements that help your home make an impact. Address ...

沙加缅度 | 房租上涨!但仍是北加州比较便宜的城市!

沙加缅度 | 房租上涨!但仍是北加州比较便宜的城市! 沙加缅度的房租上涨了,但比起加州其他地方还不算太糟。  加州的住房危机在很大程度上是由于供应不足造成的,尤其是在经济适用房方面,低收入人 群受到的冲击最大。 沙加缅度的公寓租金到目前为止略有上涨,但它仍然是加州北部较便宜的城市之一。 在线公寓上市公司RentCafe分析了过去6个月美国260个大城市的市场趋势,发现沙加缅度 租房者6月份的平均月租金为1398美元,比年初上涨了33美元。该市的环比增幅为0.8%。 根据该报告:在沙加缅度,Carmichael的平均月租金为1199美元,Citrus Heights的平均租金 为1339美元,Rancho Cordova的平均租金为1388美元,Fair Oaks的平均租金为1436美 元,Rocklin的平均租金为1698美元,Elk Grove的平均租金为1735美元,Roseville的平均租金为 1774美元和Folsom的平均租金为1846美元。 Roseville的租金上涨很快,环比上涨3.3%。根据RentCafe的数据,Elk Grove的租金在过去 一个月也大幅上涨,上涨2.1% 根据RentCafe网站的数据,在附近的Yolo County,Central Valley的平均租金涨幅最大,在 六个月内上涨156美元,达到2167美元 与此同时,RentCafe的数据显示,Tracy的房租价格出现了Valley最大的跌幅,在6个月内下 跌134美元,达到平均1896美元。 根据RentCafe的数据,Stockton的房价更实惠,月平均租金为1182美元,环比上涨1.1% RentCafe的数据显示,Modesto是租房者在预算有限的情况下的另一个不错选择,平均租金 为1215美元,环比增长0.1% 在RentCafe的报告中,加州最便宜的城市是Bakersfield,平均每月租金为1009美元。环比 增长0.4% RentCafe的数据显示,Fresno的租金略高,但仍保持在较低水平,平均租金为1,084美元 ,环比上涨0.7%。 RentCafe的数据显示,Visalia 和 Merced...


突发!是恐袭?佛州购物中心健身房突然大爆炸,至少20人受伤 华人生活网 关注 发表于 2019年07月06日 这 次国庆节的长周末真是过的让人揪心。 南加连续数日大地震,人心惶惶。 周六(7月6日)上午佛州一家健身中心,突然发生大爆炸,目前至少20人受伤。 而此前因为国庆日曾接到恐怖袭击的恐吓,这也让当地民众感到更加恐怖。 据报道,周六上午,在佛罗里达劳德代尔堡位于Plantation的一家大型购物中心,很多人正在一家The LA Fitness健身房锻炼。 突然一声巨大的声响,随后地动山摇,浓烟滚滚。 警方发言人Chavez Grant证实 至少20人受伤,2人危及生命 。 事后当地消防局确定是瓦斯爆炸,疑似是一家空置的pizza店为爆炸点,但是健身房就在隔壁,所以整个健身房几乎被夷为平地。 据悉,健身房周围100码区域内的窗户被全部震碎。 救援人员证实有数十人受伤,但截至目前并未给出死伤数据。 附近消防局包括Plantation, Davie, Lauderhill, Coral Springs,和Broward 在内,都参与了抢救工作。 一位目击者称,当时正在健身房周边的一家餐馆用餐。 突然听到了一声巨大的响声,震耳欲聋,随着而来房子猛烈晃动,房顶开始往下掉东西,电源也瞬间熄灭。 我们看到消防员带出来很多受伤的民众,到处都是血。 目前警方已经关闭了 S University Dr & Peters Rd的路段,周边民众请绕行,也请注意安全。

4TH OF JULY Family Bike

FOURTH OF JULY FAMILY BIKE PARADE by West Sac Play $0 – $5 TICKETS DATE AND TIME Thu, July 4, 2019 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM PDT LOCATION The Sprayground at Bridgeway Lakes Community Park 3650 Southport Parkway West Sacramento, CA 95691 View Map DESCRIPTION Join us for the annual 4th of July Family Bike Parade Come out with the family and ride around Bridgeway Lakes Community Park in the annual neighborhood Bike Parade. Show your July 4th spirit and decorate your bikes (and yourselves?) - We will meet up in the Sprayground area at the park to get ready then ride around the park back to the Sprayground area where the kiddos can enjoy an otter pop and play with friends. Come around 10am to hang out and put the final decorations on your bikes, then at 10:30 we ride! We would love to have a few volunteer parents stationed at the intersections to make sure kids go the right way and stay out of traffic and a few parents to help handout otter...

The Sacramentoand American River Bike Trail.

Sitting just south of the confluence of the Sacramento and  American   Rivers , Old Sacramento ...  here : 8 Swimming Hole A M E R ICAN R IVE R B IK E TRAIL  AMERICAN   RIVER  BIKE TRAIL  AMERICAN   RIVER  BIKE TRAIL TWO ...